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Volume 1, double-issue 1+2, October 2006, 216 Pages

of the journal Hypnose - Zeitschrif t für Hypnose und Hypnotherapie (Hypnose-ZHH)

Table of Contents

  • Dirk Revenstorf, Universität Tübingen
    Review of the empirical evidence of hypnotherapy
  • Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Psychotherapie
    Expert report regarding the scientific acknowledgement of hypnotherapy
  • Erich Flammer, Universität Konstanz
    Efficacy of hypnotherapy in anxiety disorders

Abstracts & Download (German Originals)

Dirk Revenstorf, Universität Tübingen

Review of the empirical evidence of hypnotherapy
Hypnose-ZHH, 2006, 1(1+2), 7-164

Hypnotherapy is described as a therapy method with a great number of treatment procedures, which is theoretically based on psychological and neurobiological foundations. Efficacy studies covering psychological, psychosomatic and medical disorders could be identified, which are also of significance for prophylactic purposes. Hypnotherapy is applied to adults, adolescents and children in individual as well as group settings. Until 2001 in psychlit and medline 160 empirical studies and metaanalyses were found, of which 60 satisfy the methodological criteria laid down by Chambless & Hollon (1998). Besides technique, theory and efficacy, indication, diagnostics as well as the training situation in Germany is discussed.

Keywords: hypnotherapy, theory, techniques, efficacy, training, overview

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Psychotherapie

Expert report regarding the scientific acknowledgement of hypnotherapy
Hypnose-ZHH, 2006, 1(1+2), 165-172

The "Wissenschaftliche Beirat Psychotherapie nach § 11 PsychThG" ("Scientific Advisory Board on Psychotherapy" established by § 11 PsychThG) examined efficacy claims for several areas of hypnotherapy and, on march 27th 2006, affirmed the scientific recognition of efficacy for hypnotherapy in the following areas:

  1. Psychological and social factors connected with somatic illness (F 54 according to the ICD- 10).
  2. Drug abuse/dependence (F 1, F 55 according to the ICD-10) (So far, evidence exists for smoking-cessation and methadone-withdrawal only).

Keywords: Scientific recognition of Hypnotherapy

Erich Flammer, Universität Konstanz

Efficacy of hypnotherapy in anxiety disorders
Hypnose-ZHH, 2006, 1(1+2), 173-198

Aim: To assess the efficacy of hypnotherapy in anxiety disorders a meta-analysis for 18 randomised controlled clinical trials (N = 732) was conducted. Covered disorders were phobias, generalized anxiety disorder and anxiety disorder, unspecified.

Method: Effectsizes (ES) were standardized mean differences.

Results: For pre-post comparisons a moderate efficacy was found (ES = .72349). Compared to waiting control high efficacy was demonstrated (ES = 1.015428). In phobias (ES = 1.23128) and in the treatment of children/adolescents (ES = 1.35061) hypnosis is particularly effective. From patients treated with hypnosis, 73.55% experienced symptom improvement in contrast to 26.45% of patients in a waiting control condition. The number of therapy sessions had no significant influence on treatment outcome. Hypnotherapy proved to be superior to attention-placebo (ES = .66401). A direct comparison with behavior therapy showed no significant difference.

Conclusion: Hypnotherapy can be regarded as a moderate to high effective in definit anxiety disorders and shows to be as effective as behavior therapy.

Keywords: hypnotherapy, anxiety disorders, efficacy, meta-analysis